Pismo Beach – Thanksgiving Week

All packed and ready to hit the road!

I took some quick shots of the views driving down Highway 46. Because of the time of day we left , I saw some rally nice sunset views.

Due to my work schedule, I had to drive back in to the office for a few days. So we brought both cars this time. Lucky for us the spot we got was spacious enough to be able to park both vehicles and still have a comfortable table and fire area.

One of the days for lunch we stopped at this place called Old Village Grill. They had a bunch of different burger options! I had the Cajun Blue Cheese burger and it was delicious. Oh and they also had garlic fries which were yuuuuuuuumy! Don’t expect a kiss from anyone after eating those though. The weather at Pismo was great the days we were there. I thought we were going to be dealing with cold chili winds but we had perfect 75 to 80 degree weather. I finally got a round to installing the small TV that I bought for the trailer before we left for our trip. Reason it took me long to finally install it was I was nervous about where to drill the holes for the wall mount. I finally took a risk and installed it carefully and it paid off big time. I got to watch part of Sunday’s football game. And at night one channel had reruns of that 70s show and Rosanne lol. Toasty!!

Can you see the butterfly’s sleeping all together??

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