Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Cruz – New Years Mini Road Trip

I’ve procrastinated sooo long in getting around to make this post but I’m finally doing it! I told myself that while on this trip I would blog and post each night as we traveled each city but that just didn’t happen at all. I need to develop a better plan next time to make these post flow a bit better.

So! I just started a new position not too long ago and I didn’t think I could take any time off during the holidays but as time got closer and I heard of people taking off for extended amounts of time I thought, maybe I should take just a couple days off! Once I learned that it would be ok, I took a few days and stacked up with the days off the office would be closed, which ended up given me about a week off work!

I thought about taking the family camping up north for a few days since we’ve never camped up North. However, that plan derailed because when I finally thought of a  location, there were no spots available. Oh well. Plan B was to visit a few different spots and make it a road trip. That sounded fun so we decided to drive up to Sacramento, visit the state capital, burn the night in the city, and stay at a hotel. Next morning, drive down to San Francisco, visit a few popular spots there (Pier, Chinatown), then spend the night. Next day, drive over to Santa Cruz, visit the boardwalk, spend the night, then drive back home the next day.

It turned out to be a fun mini road trip and we got to see and enjoy a lot of cool and fun things.

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