Minneapolis, Minnesota

Well, this one is an exciting one for me! Never been this Far East of the country. My son and I will be visiting family that I have not seen in years. Join us along for the ride…!

When we got to LA we had a reservation for parking not too far away from LAX. Funny thing is, when we got there, it seemed like there were NO spots available (even though we prepaid). Going up 6 levels later I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t find a spot… Then, thankfully, at the very very top, there was this one spot open. Phew!! 😬😅When we finally checked in (with plenty of time) we stopped and ate at this restaurant that I already forgot the name of… Rockin something. I ordered these tacos and they were…eh aight. Finally made it to Minnesota! Seeing snow right outside the airport was kind of amazing to see since its not something were used to having around here in bakotown. Unless of coarse you go to the mountains in the winter time. Tired but excited! I think the local time of this photo was around midnight.

Snow snow and more snow. Snow errawhere.

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